Everything For A Hacker
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IDC language is a C-like language. It has the same lexical tokens as C does:
character set,constants,identifiers,keywords, etc. All variables in IDC are
automatic local variables (sic!). A variable can contain:
- a 32-bit signed long integer
- a character string (max 255 characters long)
A program in IDC consists of function declarations. A function in IDC returns
a value. There are 2 kinds of functions:
- built-in functions
- user-defined functions
A function is declared in this way:
static func(arg1,arg2,arg3) {
where arg1,arg2,arg3 are the function parameters,'func' is the function name.
It is not nesessary to specify the types of the parameters because any variable
can contain a string or a number.
A variable is declared in this way:
auto var;
This declaration introduces a variable named 'var'. It can contain a string
or a number. All C and C++ keywords are reserved and cannot be used as
a variable name. The variable is defined up to end of function.
In IDC there are the following statements:
if (expression) statement
if (expression) statement else statement
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3 ) statement
while (expression) statement
do statement while (expression);
return <expr>;
return; the same as 'return 0;'
{ statements... }
expression; (expression-statement)
; (empty statement)
In expressions you can use almost all C operations except:
complex assigment operations as '+='
, (comma operation)
You can use the following construct in the expressions:
[ s, o ]
This means to calculate linear (effective) address for segment 's' offset 'o'.
The calculation is made using the following formula:
(s << 4) + o
If a string constant is specified as 's', it denotes a segment by its name.
There are 2 type conversion operations:
long( expr )
char( expr )
However, all type conversions are made automatically:
- operand(s) are converted to 'long'
- the operation is performed.
1. binary '+' operation. If the first operand is string type, the second
operand is converted to a string and the operands are concatenated.
2. relational operations (such as ==,!=, etc.) If both operands are strings,
the string comparision is performed, otherwise - they are converted to
Built-in functions
The following conventions are used in this list:
'ea' is a linear address
'success' is 0 if a function failed, 1 otherwise
'void' means that function returns no meaningful value (always 0)
All function parameter conversions are made automatically.
A. Utility functions
long MK_FP (long seg,long off); // the same as [ seg, off ]
long _lpoke (long RAMea,long value); // poke a long integer into RAM
// returns old value
long _poke (long RAMea,long value);// poke a byte into RAM
// returns old value
long _peek (long RAMea); // get a byte from RAM
char form (char format,long value); // works as sprintf, takes only
// 1 parameter. Specifying %f as a parameter
// will lead to abnormal program termination
// with bad consequences.
// The resulting string should
// be less than 255 characters.
char substr (char str,long x1,long x2); // substring [x1..x2-1]
// if x2 == -1, then till end of line
long strstr (char str,char substr); // find a substring, -1 - not found
long strlen (char str); // calculate length
long xtol (char str); // ascii hex -> number
// (use long() for atol)
success AssignKey (char action,long key); // assign a key to an action
// meaningful only before the main
// menu is constructed
success Jump (long ea); // move cursor to ea
// screen is refreshed at the end
// of IDC execution
B. Functions that change program representation
void DeleteAll (); // delete ALL information
// about the program
long MakeCode (long ea); // convert to instruction
// returns number of bytes
// occupied by the instruuction
success MakeName (long ea,char name); // assign a name to a location
success MakeComm (long ea,char comment); // give a comment
success MakeRptCmt (long ea,char comment); // give a repeatable comment
success MakeArray (long ea,long nitems); // convert to an array
success MakeStr (long ea,long size); // convert to ASCII string
success MakeByte (long ea); // convert to byte
success MakeWord (long ea); // convert to word
success MakeDword (long ea); // convert to double-word
success MakeQword (long ea); // convert to quadro-word
success MakeTbyte (long ea); // convert to 10 bytes (tbyte)
void MakeUnkn (long ea); // convert to 'unknown'
success OpDec (long ea); // operands are decimal
success OpChar (long ea); // operands are characters
success OpOffset (long ea,long segbase); // operands are offsets
// if segbase==-1, then operands aren't offsets
success OpSegment (long ea); // operands are segments
success OpNum (long ea); // operands are numbers
success OpAlt1 (long ea,char opnd); // manually enter 1st operand
success OpAlt2 (long ea,char opnd); // manually enter 2nd operand
void MakeVar (long ea); // the location is 'variable'
success MakeProc (long ea,long fl); // fl=0: no proc, fl=1: near proc, fl=2: far proc
success MakeEndp (long ea,long fl); // fl=0: no endp,1: endp
void ExtLinA (long ea,long n,char line); // insert an additional line before the generated ones
void ExtLinB (long ea,long n,char line); // insert an additional line after the generated ones
void DelExtLnA (long ea,long n); // delete an additional line before the generated ones
void DelExtLnB (long ea,long n); // delete an additional line aftr the generated ones
success JmpTable (long jmpea,long tableea,long nitems); // define a jump table
void PatchByte (long ea,long value); // change a byte
void SetFlags (long ea,long flags); // change internal flags for ea
success SetReg (long ea,char reg,long value); // set value of segment register
C. Functions that produce output files
void WriteMap (char file); // produce a .map file
void WriteTxt (char file,long ea1,long ea2); // produce an .asm file
void WriteExe (char file); // produce an executable file
D. Informational functions
long GetFlags (long ea); // get internal flags for ea
long Byte (long ea); // get a byte at ea
long Word (long ea); // get a word at ea
long Dword (long ea); // get a double-word at ea
long LocByName (char name); // -1 - no such name
long SegByBase (long base); // -1 - no such segment
long MinEA (); // the minimal address defined in the program
long MaxEA (); // the maximal address defined in the program
long ScreenEA (); // the current screen ea
long BeginEA (); // where execution starts
long GetReg (long ea,char reg); // get segment register value
// -1 - undefined or error
long FirstSeg (); // returns start of the first
// segment, -1 - no segments
long NextSeg (long ea); // returns start of the next
// segment, -1 - no more segs
long SegStart (long ea); // returns start of the segment
// -1 if bad address passed
long SegEnd (long ea); // return end of the segment
// this address doesn't belong
// to the segment
// -1 if bad address passed
char SegName (long ea); // returns name of the segment
// "" if bad address passed
long NextAddr (long ea); // returns next defined address
// -1 if no such address exists
long PrevAddr (long ea); // returns prev defined address
// -1 if no such address exists
long NextHead (long ea); // returns next defined item address
// -1 if no such address exists
long PrevHead (long ea); // returns prev defined item address
// -1 if no such address exists
long NextNotTail (long ea); // returns next not tail address
// -1 if no such address exists
long PrevNotTail (long ea); // returns prev not tail address
// -1 if no such address exists
long ItemEnd (long ea); // returns address past end of
// the item
long ItemSize (long ea); // returns item size, min answer=1
char LineA (long ea,long num); // get additional line before generated ones
char LineB (long ea,long num); // get additional line after generated ones
char Comment (long ea); // get comment
char RptCmt (long ea); // get repeatable comment
char AltOp1 (long ea); // get manually entered 1st operand
char AltOp2 (long ea); // get manually entered 2nd operand
E. Functions that change global settings
long StringEnd (long asciiendchar); // set current ASCII end character
// returns old value
long StringStp (long asciistopchar); // set current ASCII break character
// returns old value
long LowVoids (long lowlimit); // set current low limit for voids
// returns old value
long HighVoids (long highlimit); // set current high limit for voids
// returns old value
long TailDepth (long taildepth); // set current tail depth
// returns old value
long Direction (long direction); // set current search direction
// returns old value
long Analysis (long analysis); // enable/disable auto analysis
// returns old value
long Tabs (long tabulations); // enable/disable tabulations in output file
// returns old value
long Comments (long comments); // enable/disable automatic comments
// returns old value
long Voids (long voids); // enable/disable void marks display
// returns old value
long XrefShow (long xrefshow); // enable/disable cross-references display
// returns old value
long Indent (long indent); // set indention for instruntions
// returns old value
long CmtIndent (long cmtindent); // set indention for comments
// returns old value
long AutoShow (long autoshow); // enable/disable autoanalysis display
// returns old value
success SetPrcsr (char processor); // set processor type
F. Functions that interact with the user
char AskStr (char defval,char prompt); // ask a string
long AskAddr (long defval,char prompt); // -1 - no or bad input
long AskSeg (long defval,char prompt); // -1 - no or bad input
char AskIdent (char defval,char prompt);
void Message (char str); // show a message in messages window
void Warning (char str); // show a warning a dialog box
void Fatal (char str); // exit IDA immediately
G. Functions that work with segments
success SegCreate (long startea,long endea,long base,long use32,long alignment,long combination);
success SegDelete (long segea,long disable); // disable=1: exclude all bytes of the segment
// from the disassembled text.
success SegBounds (long segea,long startea,long endea);
success SegRename (long segea,char name);
success SegClass (long segea,char class);
success SegAlign (long segea,long alignment);
#define saAbs 0 // Absolute segment.
#define saRelByte 1 // Relocatable, byte aligned.
#define saRelWord 2 // Relocatable, word (2-byte, 16-bit) aligned.
#define saRelPara 3 // Relocatable, paragraph (16-byte) aligned.
#define saRelPage 4 // Relocatable, aligned on 256-byte boundary (a "page"
// in the original Intel specification).
#define saRelDble 5 // Relocatable, aligned on a double word (4-byte)
// boundary. This value is used by the PharLap OMF for
// the same alignment.
#define saRel4K 6 // This value is used by the PharLap OMF for page (4K)
// alignment. It is not supported by LINK.
success SegComb (long segea,long combination);
#define scPriv 0 // Private. Do not combine with any other program
// segment.
#define scPub 2 // Public. Combine by appending at an offset that meets
// the alignment requirement.
#define scPub2 4 // As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
#define scStack 5 // Stack. Combine as for C=2. This combine type forces
// byte alignment.
#define scCommon 6 // Common. Combine by overlay using maximum size.
#define scPub3 7 // As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
success SegAddrng (long segea,long addrng);
long SegByName (char segname); // returns segment base
success SegDefRef (long segea,char reg,long value);
// set default value for segment reg